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Saturday, June 30, 2018

Obstructive sleep apnea
src: i.ytimg.com Obstructive sleep apnea ( OSA ) is the most common type of sleep apnea and is caused by complete or partial obstructions o...

Scobeyville, New Jersey
src: upload.wikimedia.org Scobeyville is an unincorporated community located within Colts Neck Township in Monmouth County, New Jersey, Uni...

Chewing tobacco
src: i.ytimg.com Chewing tobacco is a type of smokeless tobacco product consumed by placing a portion of the tobacco between the cheek and ...

Aphthous stomatitis
src: skinpractice.com Aphthous stomatitis is a common condition characterized by the repeated formation of benign and non-contagious mouth ...

Mouth ulcer
src: cdn1.medicalnewstoday.com A mouth ulcer is an ulcer that occurs on the mucous membrane of the oral cavity. Mouth ulcers are very commo...